Profiling the Naive Redis Clone

July 29, 2022

In the last post we ran a benchmark on our naive Redis clone. It performed already impressively. To improve its performance, the first step is to understand where the time goes in the program.

Figure 1. Profiling
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Building a (Java-) Redis Clone, naively

July 4, 2022

Oren Eini (Ayende) has a wonderful blog series where he builds a small Redis clone in C#, and then investigates performance issues and improves on it. I got tempted to do a Java version, out of curiosity. I probably won’t go as far as Oren Eini with the profiling and optimization, but I’ll try to do at least some iterations.

Building Redis
Figure 1. Building Redis
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Model Results/States with Java 17's Records

May 24, 2022

I often want to represent a set of possible results or states with different possible values. For example a processing result:

  • A successful full result

  • And expect error with some error code

  • An unexpected error with some exception

  • Some other rare edge case I need special handling for.

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Implement your own Clojure Atoms

February 20, 2022

Let’s implement our own Clojure atoms for fun and educational purpose. Do not use it for your actual application =).

Figure 1. Enhance
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Advanced Features of Clojure Atoms

December 19, 2021

Most Clojure apps use atoms for managing state, changing state with the swap! or reset! functions:

Basic Atom Operations:
(def inventory (atom {:cheese 1 :bread 2}))
; Use swap! to update the atom with a function. In this example:
; Use the 'assoc' function to update the atom. The extra parameters are forwarded to 'assoc'
(swap! inventory assoc :cheese 3)
=> {:cheese 3, :bread 2}

; deref returns the current state. The @ prefix is 'syntactic' sugar to do the same
(str "use deref " (deref inventory) " or @ " @inventory " to get the value of the atom")
=> "use deref {:cheese 3, :bread 2} or @ {:cheese 3, :bread 2} to get the value of the atom"

; Use 'reset!' to reset the state to a specific value.
(reset! inventory {:cheese 0 :bread 0})
=> {:cheese 0, :bread 0}

In my Java/C# mind, an atom is an AtomicReference / Interlocked.CompareExchange. However, atoms do have more high-level features. Let’s take a look.

Clojure’s Atoms are fancier
Figure 1. Atom Models ;)
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