티비-드라마: 혼 / TV-Series: Soul
(저는 한국어 아직 잘 못 해서 한국어로 블로그-포스트 짧아요. 근데 긴 영어로 밑에 있어요.)
저는 공포-영화 정말 좋아해, 그래서 이 공포-드라마 (위키백과) 봤을 때 봐야 돼요. 이 드라마에서 윤하나는 여동생 죽을 때부터 동생의 귀신 있다고 만나요. 그리고 시작 귀신 많아 지고 있다. 정말, 윤하나는 너무 뭇어워서 도움 필요해요. 그래서 프로파일러 신류 도워요. 근데 신류 하고 귀신가 나쁜 사람을 죽이고 싶어요.
이 드라마는 좋아세요? 괜찮아요. 근대 저는 이야기가 조금 이해 못하고 조금 심심해요.
제 평가: (2/5)
Ok, here‘s the longer version my little review of Soul (혼)(Hancinema), a horror drama. I personally love Horror movies, so when I stumbled upon Soul I had to check it out.
It’s about Yoon Hana whose sister dies and shortly after starts to appear as ghost. Later on Yoon Hana starts to see more and more ghosts. Of course she is scared to death and seeks for help. So Shinryu, a Crime-Profiler, starts to help her. But Shinryu and the ghost also have other plans: To kill bad guys.
Well the series starts with this stereo typical scary, black haired ghost girl stuff. At the beginning it is quite confusing and cuts between different flashbacks which make no sense what so ever. However after a few episodes a story starts to crystallize, which is actually kind of neat. It also moves away from the horror theme start to become more thriller style. Unfortunately the story is told very slowly, so it gets somewhat boring sometimes. I think this series would be much better with faster storytelling and more focus on the thriller elements.
Now is it scary? No not really, but I didn’t expect that from a TV series. But it has some nice atmospheric and cool scenes. I also have to mention one very strange scene from the beginning, the suicide-scene. Well, this scene is strange to me because it nearly celebrates the suicide by matrix-style slow-motion camera work. Quite unusual to put that much focus on this kind of scene.
All in all, Soul is all right, but not all that great. I recommend other series Jekyll, Dead Set etc. with a horror theme. Even some recent Doctor Who episodes have a moody horror atmosphere to them.
Star-O-Meter: (2/5)
The trailer is strange, because I think that many scenes are not present in the series:
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