Games Outside the Box, Analog Computers, Read-Write-Costs etc.
- “Design Outside the Box” Amazing presentation about unexpected successful games, what they have in common and how games emerge into the real life. Watch it!
- Interesting videos from the 50’s, about analog, mechanical computers. Part one and two. I’m amazed! Found via channel9 on this video where Brian Beckman talks about those analog computers, a little personal history, life and the universe.
- Here’s an old post about the read-/write-cost tradeoff. For most applications reads occur way more often than writes. Therefore this application should make reads cheaper than writes, which in fact means that heavy normalization is a bad idea.
- To complete the topic about optimizing for the read-scenarios, a short post from Ayende about using Lucene for fast queries.
- A less random generator for a better ‘random-experience’. Wonderful post about the human perception.
- And finally, today I’ve touched the MS surface thingy for the first time…*woop-woop-woop*